To propagate the Fundamental Principles of the International Red Cross and the Red Crescent Movement and the Geneva Conventions and their Additional Protocols; (五)宣传国际红十字和红新月运动的基本原则和日内瓦公约及其附加议定书;
Legal Aid has already been a legal regulation in over 140 countries and one of the fundamental system for protecting citizens 'rights in International Conventions. 目前它已为世界一百四十多个国家的法律和一些国际公约确认为保障公民权利的一项基本制度。
Fundamental breach is a law system which stems from Common Law of England. Now it has developed to be an important rule of modern contract law system after it was accepted by American law, Continental Law and some international conventions. 根本违约是发端于英国普通法的一种制度,它相继被美国法和大陆法所采纳,并被重要的国际公约所吸收,已经成为现代合同法的一项重要制度。
Perfect fundamental principles are of primary importance to the perfection of modern international marine environmental protection law ( MIMEPL), yet, relevant stipulations are different both among states and among international conventions. 现代国际海洋环境保护法律的完善首先需要完备的基本原则.但是,各国对现代国际海洋环境保护法律的基本原则理解各不相同,国际公约对此规定亦不尽相同。
Fundamental breach of the system derived from English law, after the United States law, civil law countries, as well as a series of international conventions recognized. 根本违约制度源于英国法,后被美国法、大陆法系国家以及一系列国际公约所承认。
In fourth chapter, the legislation of protection of the fundamental rights of citizen in the other countries and the international conventions were introduced and analyzed to provide a reference to protect the fundamental civil rights during legislating State of Emergency Act in China. 第四章通过介绍、分析其他国家立法及国际公约中对公民基本权利的保障,由此为我国制定紧急状态法中保障公民基本权利提供借鉴。